The THOR Network Foundation

Board of Directors

Philip C. Spinella, MD

Geir Strandenes, MD

Miriam Markowitz, M.Sc.

Kevin Ward, MD

Dan Martin

The THOR Network was founded in 2010 with a mission to improve outcomes for patients with traumatic hemorrhagic shock through education, training, advocacy, and research.

The THOR Network Foundation was founded in 2018 with the goal of raising funds to support the THOR Network’s mission and is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in the United States.

With over 600 members across 30 countries, The THOR Network’s ability to improve care, and change practice globally has been very successful.

Training and education programs have been held in many countries across multiple continents that have led to a change in practice in the resuscitation of bleeding trauma patients. Research performed by THOR Network investigators to determine optimal resuscitation methods have been presented to the FDA which has resulted in increased availability of platelets. THOR Network research has also led to changes in blood banking standards at hospitals that have expanded the use of blood products, to include whole blood in prehospital and in-hospital settings. Ongoing trials continue to determine if these changes definitively improve survival in patients with severe bleeding.

Donations to the THOR Network Foundation will be used for:

  • Developing educational and training content aimed at improving outcomes for patients with severe bleeding.

Training material will be focused on providing the rationale and methods of resuscitation skills for front-line providers in both prehospital and in-hospital settings. For an example see the free online course THOR Network Whole Blood Training Course, taken by 4,000 people worldwide.

Educational content, designed for small or large groups at either Universities or regional governmental agencies to provide the knowledge and expertise to implement damage control principles, are an ongoing focus.

  • Performing research that will discover or improve products for resuscitation of patients with severe bleeding.
    • The indirect cost rate policy for the THOR Network Foundation, a 501c3 public charity, is that it will provide a 15% indirect/overhead rate for all research projects that it sponsors. This rate includes all categories of sponsored projects and is consistent for all grantee organization types (Universities/Not for Profit/For Profit/Government).

We welcome both individual and corporate donations and grants. To inquire about donating to the THOR Network Foundation please contact Dan Martin at