To develop and implement best practices for prehospital care through to the completion of the acute phase of hemorrhagic shock resuscitation.
The THOR Network will execute this mission through a multidisciplinary collaborative approach to research, education, training, and advocacy
To improve outcomes from traumatic hemorrhagic shock by optimizing the acute phase of resuscitation.
About THOR
THOR – The Hemostasis and Oxygenation Research Network
The Trauma Hemostasis and Oxygenation Research (THOR) Network is a international multidisciplinary group of investigators that aims to improve outcomes and safety in patients with severe traumatic injury through improved monitoring and resuscitation techniques. The research the Network performs includes both pre-hospital and hospital phases of care with attention to both military and civilian applications.
What is Remote Damage Control Resuscitation (RDCR)?
RDCR is the prehospital application of Damage Control Resuscitation principles, which are a bundle of care intended to reduce death and disability from traumatic hemorrhage. While RDCR is anchored in the principles of The US Military’s Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) guidelines, it can be applied in both military and civilian settings. In cases of non-compressible torso hemorrhage when standard prehospital interventions have been exhausted, the RDCR algorithm would seek to further mitigate end-organ hypoxia and the “lethal triad” through the judicious employment of blood products, procoagulants and antifibrinolytic agents by prehospital medical providers.
About the RDCR Symposium
The Trauma Hemostasis and Oxygenation Research (THOR) Network held it’s first RDCR symposium in June 2011. It was a one-day symposium focusing on pre-hospital use of fresh whole blood. The objective of this meeting was to bring together investigators who were interested in analyzing the efficacy and safety of FWB for patients with severe traumatic hemorrhagic shock and to determine the initial steps in developing a research program in this area. A report from this inaugural symposium titled, “Symposium on Fresh Whole Blood for Severe Hemorrhagic Shock: From in-hospital to far forward resuscitations” was published in the journal Transfusion and Apheresis Science in 2012.
In 2012 the RDCR symposium expanded to 3 days, and expanded it’s focus to the monitoring and treatment of traumatic hemorrhagic shock with the focus remaining on pre-hospital management of life threatening hemorrhage. The main THOR Network “RDCR Symposium” has been held outside of Bergen every year since. The THOR Network has also been invited to many other conferences around the world to educate and provide training on RDCR principles. The THOR Network also published a conference proceedings in major medical journals every year.